How to download picasa for pc
How to download picasa for pc

how to download picasa for pc

My Win8 hard drive is not partitioned and only has a C drive. My Win7 pc was partitioned in to a C and E drive and all my pictures were on the E drive. I’m very happy to hear my article helped out you and your wife. As I mentioned in my article, once Picasa becomes a port of your digital photo workflow, it can be a disaster if all that work is lost. I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. Thanks to this article (and a SATA-to-USB cable), I was able to put all of her photos, with the Picasa albums and editing intact, on a new Windows 8 laptop with no loss of data. My wife’s Windows 7 laptop died yesterday, thankfully not the hard drive, and she had never done a proper backup of her Picasa work (the photos were saved elsewhere, but not the Picasa editing). My guess is it probably won’t work between the two PC’s unless of course the database files are compatible between the two platforms but I find that will probably be a stretch. I have a MAC and love my MAC but, my photos are all on my Windows Desktop. MAC, sorry you’re on your own on that one. If it doesn’t work, let me know and I can try to take a look and see if something has changed since I last write that article…. Follow the steps and get it up and running.

how to download picasa for pc

If all you’re doing is copying the files from Win7 to Win10, you can test all you want without impacting the old Windows 7 original files.

how to download picasa for pc

I’m mighty obliged for any help I can is Windows as far as Picasa can tell (10 vs 7). Some posts ta k about the need to rebuild the database with the possibility of losing the whole thing. Once you copy over your photos and the two folders above, launch Picasa and you will be golden. Note: Don’t forget to replace my users name skrause with your username. Just be sure to copy them into the exact same folder c:\users\skrause\appdata\local\google\ on your new computer. It’s OK to copy these folders to a USB drive in order to get them to your new computer. Step 2 – On your OLD computer or install Picasa, go to c:\users\skrause\appdata\local\google and copy the two subfolders Picasa2Albums and Picasa2 into the same location on your new computer. Step 1 – Download and install Google Picasa on your new Computer but do not launch it after install. With that said, let’s jump right into it.

how to download picasa for pc

Keep this in mind when creating your user account on your new Windows PC. For example, when I moved over my Picasa install to my new computer, my user profile was located at c:\users\skrause\ on both systems so both my photos and Google database/config files will be located in the same place. Moving your Google Picasa to a new computer is simple as long as you first copy all your photos and, Picasa is installed under the same user paths as your old system.

How to download picasa for pc